Thursday, November 11, 2010

Norco build update

So I finished the first OCE/ORM (Online Capacity Expansion/Online Raid Migration) using the Highpoint 4320 RAID card. I moved from a 3 drive RAID 5 to a 4 drive RAID 5 as part of my move from the old WHS server to my new Server 2008 build.

Other than it took 2 days, there were no problems. At the end, I had to go into storage manager on the box and "Extend" the size of the disk. 2 important points that allowed this to just work:

1) I had already made it a GPT disk (so it could handle very large partition sizes)
2) I had already made it a Dynamic disk (so it could be easily extended)

The other thing I did was to install Windows Media Connect 2.0 on this server so that I could share my files out with my XBox 360. My Windows Media Center didn't need this as it can use the file shares I already setup.

Here is how I did it:

1) Find a copy of Windows Media Connect 2.0, this is no longer provided my MS but can still be found around the web. Another place you could potentially find it is in the file umupnp.exe on the Windows Home Server installation media.

2) Now out of the box this won't install on Server 2008, so don't bother trying, you need to extract the files from the archive. I used Winrar, other archiving tools will do it too.

3) Create a folder, for example C:\Program Files\Media Connect (I'll assume you used this folder for future examples)

4) Copy the following 3 files which were extracted from the archive mentioned in the last step into your new folder: wmccds.exe, wmccfg.exe, wmcsci.dll

5) Run regsvr32 "C:\ProgramFiles%\Media Connect\wmcsci.dll"

6) Run "C:\ProgramFiles%\Media Connect\wmccds.exe" -installwithfiles (This is an undocumented feature of Media Connect which installs the service without paying attention to pesky details like OS version).

7) Run sc config "WMConnectCDS" depend= none
NOTE the space between = and is required!

8) Run sc config "WMConnectCDS" depend= upnphost/HTTP (These 2 commands are essentially an easy way to remove the HTTPFilter service dependency which does not exist on Server 2008. It's functionality now resides in HTTP, I could of done this from the registry as well but in my experience that requires a reboot). NOTE the space again!

9) Enable the SSDP Discovery Service by setting it to manual startup from the GUI or using
sc config "SSDPSRV" start= demand
Don't forget the space between = and demand!

10) Enable the UPNP Host Device Service by setting it to manual startup from the GUI or using
sc config "upnphost" start= demand
Do I really need to say it again?

11) Run wmccfg.exe and do the initial setup.

Now you have a icon in the system tray you can click to open the configuration to make changes, or you can run the wmccfg.exe to reconfigure.
Next I am going to move the rest of my files from my WHS and then perform another OCE/ORM to RAID 6 with the remaining drives.

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