Monday, April 9, 2012

High Availability Windows Share Using Linux Samba/DRBD/CTDB and GFS


This combination should allow me to have a single DNS name that maps to a single Virtual IP that can move back and forth between two Virtual Machines (running on my vSphere environment). This way I can have them on different storage (I.E. one on local storage and the other on iSCSI storage) and be able to turn one storage unit off for maintenance and still allow access to the Windows share. This setup automatically handles the replication between the nodes.

I was trying to follow these instructions: – but there are a number of errors in the instructions, plus some things weren’t clear to me.

We will be using Samba running on top of the GFS clustered filesystem, using CTDB (the clustered version of the TDB database used by Samba) and DRBD to handle all the replication duties.

We will have Static IPs for each machine, in my case

smb1 - and

smb2 - and

The 2nd IP on each VM is for the DRBD interface for replication

Lastly, there will be two Virtual IP’s that is shared between them – and

- First installed 32-bit version of Centos 5.5 with no options checked. Single hard drive only – 20 GB Thin provisioned. Set a static IP. Give it 2 NICs (one for network connectivity and the other for DRDB replication).

- setup – turn off SELinux

- Next, perform a:  yum update, then reboot. This updates to Centos 5.8 (as of this writing).

- Install VMware Tools.

- Clone the machine

- Add 2nd hard drive, add 2nd NIC to both VMs

- Boot the VM, fdisk /dev/sdb, n (new), p (primary partition), 1, accept defaults for cylinder start/end, w (write)

- no need to create filesystem or format the partition as we will get DRBD to use the new partition directly (/dev/sdb1)

- make sure that /etc/hosts file only has localhost.localdomain localhost and not the hostname of the machine

- Adjust /etc/hosts on 2nd VM

- Adjust IP of 2nd NIC on both VMs (setup and then service network restart – you might want to erase ifcfg-eth0.bak from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts on the 2nd VM)

- Confirm that you can ping both machines from each other using the private IP as well as the Public IP

- allow root login (edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change PermitRootLogin to yes, we are behind a firewall right?!), then service sshd restart

- yum -y install drbd82 kmod-drbd82 samba joe autoconf automake gcc-c++

(I like the joe editor)

- yum -y groupinstall "Cluster Storage" "Clustering"

- Adjust /etc/drbd.conf on both nodes:

   1: global {
   2:     usage-count yes;
   3: }
   5: common {
   6:   syncer {
   7:                 rate 100M;
   8:                 al-extents 257;
   9:          }
  10: }
  12: resource r0 {
  14:   protocol C;
  16:   startup {
  17:     become-primary-on both;              ### For Primary/Primary ###
  18:     degr-wfc-timeout 60;
  19:     wfc-timeout  30;
  20:   }
  22:   disk {
  23:     on-io-error   detach;
  24:   }
  26:   net {
  27:     allow-two-primaries;                 ### For Primary/Primary ###
  28:     cram-hmac-alg sha1;
  29:     shared-secret "mysecret";

30: after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes;
after-sb-1pri discard-secondary;
after-sb-2pri disconnect;

  33:   }
  35:   on smb1.yniw.local {
  36:     device     /dev/drbd0;
  37:     disk       /dev/sdb1;
  38:     address;
  39:     meta-disk  internal;
  40:   }
  42:   on smb2.yniw.local {
  43:     device     /dev/drbd0;
  44:     disk       /dev/sdb1;
  45:     address;
  46:     meta-disk  internal;
  47:   }
  48: }

On both nodes do:

drbdadm create-md r0

To put the two nodes as primary, on both nodes do:

drbdsetup /dev/drbd0 primary –o

On both nodes (at almost the same time), do:

service drbd start

Make drbd service start automatically at boot:

chkconfig --level 35 drbd on

Check on status of the drbd replication:

cat /proc/drbd or you can do:

service drbd status

Next we configure the GFS filesystem. Put the following into the /etc/cluster/cluster.conf on each system.

   1: <?xml version="1.0"?>
   2: <cluster name="cluster1" config_version="3">
   4: <cman two_node="1" expected_votes="1"/>
   6: <clusternodes>
   7: <clusternode name="smb1.yniw.local" votes="1" nodeid="1">
   8:         <fence>
   9:                 <method name="single">
  10:                         <device name="manual" ipaddr=""/>
  11:                 </method>
  12:         </fence>
  13: </clusternode>
  15: <clusternode name="smb2.yniw.local" votes="1" nodeid="2">
  16:         <fence>
  17:                 <method name="single">
  18:                         <device name="manual" ipaddr=""/>
  19:                 </method>
  20:         </fence>
  21: </clusternode>
  22: </clusternodes>
  24: <fence_daemon clean_start="1" post_fail_delay="0" post_join_delay="3"/>
  26: <fencedevices>
  27:         <fencedevice name="manual" agent="fence_manual"/>
  28: </fencedevices>
  30: </cluster>

Next, we start cman on both systems:

service cman start

And then we start the other services:

service clvmd start
service gfs start
service gfs2 start

chkconfig --level 35 cman on
chkconfig --level 35 clvmd on
chkconfig --level 35 gfs on
chkconfig --level 35 gfs2 on

Then we format the cluster filesystem (only on one node):

gfs_mkfs -p lock_dlm -t cluster1:gfs -j 2 /dev/drbd0

Then we create the mount point and mount the drbd device (on both nodes):

mkdir /clusterdata
mount -t gfs /dev/drbd0 /clusterdata

Then we insert the following line into the /etc/fstab (mine is different than the instructions):

/dev/drbd0              /clusterdata            gfs

I found that the gfs argument was necessary – however…do not add the other items – default 1 1 –as this will cause the auto-mounting system to try and fsck them at startup which won’t work.

Now…you should be able to copy data onto that /clusterdata mount point on one node and have it show up on the other automatically.

Next we configure samba. Again, my working file is different than the original instructions.  Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf

   1: [global]
   3: clustering = yes
   4: idmap backend = tdb2
   5: private dir=/clusterdata/ctdb
   6: fileid:mapping = fsname
   7: use mmap = no
   8: nt acl support = yes
   9: ea support = yes
  10: security = user
  11: map to guest = Bad Password
  12: max protocol = SMB2
  14: [public]
  15: comment = public share
  16: path = /clusterdata/public
  17: public = yes
  18: writeable = yes
  19: only guest = yes
  20: guest ok = yes

Next, create the directories needed by samba:

mkdir /clusterdata/ctdb
mkdir /clusterdata/public
chmod 777 /clusterdata/public

Follow the same instructions to install CTDB:

First, we need to download it:

cd /usr/src
rsync -avz .
cd ctdb/

Then we can compile it:

cd /usr/src/ctdb/
make install

Creating the init scripts and config links to /etc:

cd /usr/src/ctdb
cp config/ctdb.sysconfig /etc/sysconfig/ctdb
cp config/ctdb.init /etc/rc.d/init.d/ctdb
chmod +x /etc/init.d/ctdb
ln -s /usr/local/etc/ctdb/ /etc/ctdb
ln -s /usr/local/bin/ctdb /usr/bin/ctdb
ln -s /usr/local/sbin/ctdbd /usr/sbin/ctdbd

Next, we need to config /etc/sysconfig/ctdb on both nodes:

joe /etc/sysconfig/ctdb

Again…there are mistakes in the example originally given and I have provided my copy:

   1: CTDB_RECOVERY_LOCK="/clusterdata/ctdb.lock"
   3: CTDB_PUBLIC_ADDRESSES=/etc/ctdb/public_addresses
   5: ulimit -n 10000
   6: CTDB_NODES=/etc/ctdb/nodes
   7: CTDB_LOGFILE=/var/log/log.ctdb

Now, config /etc/ctdb/public_addresses on both nodes:

vi /etc/ctdb/public_addresses

Then, config /etc/ctdb/nodes on both nodes:

vi /etc/ctdb/nodes

Then, config /etc/ctdb/events.d/11.route on both nodes:

vi /etc/ctdb/events.d/11.route

   1: #!/bin/sh
   3: . /etc/ctdb/functions
   4: loadconfig ctdb
   6: cmd="$1"
   7: shift
   9: case $cmd in
  10:     takeip)
  11:          # we ignore errors from this, as the route might be up already when we're grabbing
  12:          # a 2nd IP on this interface
  13:          /sbin/ip route add $CTDB_PUBLIC_NETWORK via $CTDB_PUBLIC_GATEWAY dev $1 2> /dev/null
  14:          ;;
  15: esac
  17: exit 0

Set +x permission on script:

chmod +x /etc/ctdb/events.d/11.route

Next…start the ctdb service:

service ctdb start

Here is one place I differ from those other instructions – he says to have the samba service auto-start, but the ctdb service handles the starting and stopping of samba, so you don’t do that.

Plus, I couldn’t make everything start properly when done from the init.d (using the chkconfig –level commands). The problem is that the GFS filesystem tries to be mounted by the fstab, but other things aren’t ready yet, so it doesn’t work. So I wrote the following lines into /etc/rc.local:

service drbd start
mount –a
service ctdb start

Also….to stop one of the servers and take it offline:

service ctdb stop
umount /clusterdata
service drdb stop

You should now have a working active/active Windows style share available that is fully redundant.

You can get to it by using a Windows PC and going to \\virtualip\public

So…in my example:  \\\public

